Choosing USB to Key Adapter

Why are there 2 different Key to USB Adapters? and... What's the difference?

MY-KEY-MOUSE and MY-KEY-SERIAL are hardware interfaces to connect your computer/tablet to a straight or iambic key via a USB port using compatible software.  MY-KEY-MOUSE supports an HID compatible software controlled USB mouse interface while the MY-KEY-SERIAL supports a common USB to serial interface.



We do not endorse any specific software but the following has been reported to work with MY-KEY-MOUSE or MY-KEY-SERIAL adapters

Please let us know what additional software or operating system works with a serial or mouse interface and we will add it to the list!


Device Software My Key Mouse My Key Serial
Android KG9E Straight Key X
Amazon Fire KG9E Straight Key X
Windows 10 Morse Keyer V4.3 Straight + Paddles Straight + Paddles
"       " MorseKOB 2.5 X Straight
"       " Dadidah X Straight + Paddles
"       " CWCom Straight + Paddles Straight + Paddles
"       " F8EHO EchoCW X Straight + Paddles
"       " CW Fistcheck Straight X
"       " CW Player 4.9.7 Straight + Paddles Straight + Paddles
"       " UA9OV CwType X Paddle Only
Web Straight Only
Web VBAND Straight Only


My Key Mouse Product Page HERE
My Key Mouse Serial Product Page HERE


 NOTE: NEVER plug anything other than a key into the MY-KEY-MOUSE or MY-KEY-SERIAL key input jack.  Any voltages present on the jack could damage both the device and your PC/Tablet!  The Common (Shield) connection to the key input is NOT a ground!